A Day in the Life of Someone Losing Weight: Scales, Salt, and 6 Miles of Burned Calories
I woke up early, feeling energized and full of hope… and then, as usual — the scales. I stepped on them, looked down, and they showed something I wasn’t happy with. But I know the trick! Last night, I had salted pickles and sauerkraut, so my body decided to hold onto water like a camel before crossing the desert. Plus, I haven’t been walking for a few days, so my metabolism might be a little offended.
But today was different! I pulled myself together, went for a walk, and covered a full 6 miles! That’s practically a marathon for someone whose usual walk is just from the couch to the fridge. In terms of calories, I burned off my lunch before even eating it.
And what was for lunch? Check out the photo — it turned out to be 1,000 calories. But hey, I earned them fair and square! 😎